Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 4762: Challenged the Dragonblood Legion

Chapter 4762: Challenged the Dragonblood Legion

02Chapter 4762: Challenged the Dragonblood Legion    

Feng You killed the Heavenly Loather races leader, causing his subordinates to go crazy. However, no matter what they did, they were unable to cause any waves in front of the Dragonblood Legion. They were quickly slain.    

Meanwhile, the Shining Night races experts simply watched, their leader quivering with rage.    

Alright, well see how you survive once you enter the Sovereign Emperor Heaven!     

Just like that, he clenched his teeth and left with his subordinates. Although all of them were enraged, it was clear that they didnt want to have a direct clash against Long Chen.    

In truth, their relationship with the Heavenly Loather race wasnt very deep, so for them to stand out and make an attempt at intimidating Long Chen was already a great display of loyalty.    

The Shining Night race is actually very strong, sighed Guo Ran as he watched them slink away.    

Why do you say that? Everyone was startled by his judgment.    

Because from today onward, they will not have just challenged the Jiuli race, but they will also be able to claim that they once challenged the Dragonblood Legion. They have opened a new chapter in history, Guo Ran stated solemnly.    

Laughter filled the air, but Xia Chen interjected, Guo Ran isnt wrong. When the Dragonblood Legion reaches the peak, they really will be able to brag about this.    

Youre right. When they claim to have challenged the Jiuli race, do you think it unfolded just like how it was just now? After shouting a bit, they just ran away dejectedly? Bai Xiaole exclaimed, slapping his leg in amusement.    

Hearing this, they exchanged glances. Perhaps Bai Xiaole was actually right. The Shining Night race was quite arrogant, but other than acting tough, they didnt seem to have any ability.    

Long Chen, will I cause you more trouble because of this? asked Feng You. At this moment, she came over with the mixed beast races experts, looking a bit worried.    

Before Long Chen could answer, Guo Ran replied, Our Dragonblood Legion isnt afraid of trouble. To make a foothold in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven will require some ruthlessness, and it just so happened that this fellow was blind. Killing the chicken to warn the monkeys is good.    

Long Chen didnt seem to mind either and just nodded. Guo Ran is correct. We have to bare our fangs in the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, showing them that we arent their prey. Since weve chosen to join the power struggle of the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, we cant retreat anymore. Just now, you chose to fight and already decided that it would be a battle to the death. You shouldnt speak about trouble or implicating anything. We are all gambling with our lives. None of us can say what tomorrow will bring, so you might as well just charge forward!    

Hearing that, Feng You nodded. At this moment, Yu Qingxuan and Bai Shishi walked over. Bai Shishi was now full of respect for Feng You and repeatedly praised her heroism.    

Bai Shishi was a prideful person, but from Feng You, she recognized the decisiveness and bravery that she herself lacked. Perhaps due to growing under the protection of her parents and the academy ever since she was born, she lacked Feng Yous wildness.    

Feng You was praised so much that she felt a bit embarrassed, so she quickly said some humble words. At this moment, the Dragonblood warriors returned from the battlefield, delayed only because they had scoured the battlefield beforehand.    

While the corpses were trash to others, they were treasures to Long Chen. Thus, they wouldnt let off any of the powerful devil beasts corpses.    

They handed the corpses to Long Chen, and Long Chen directly tossed them into the primal chaos spaces black soil. Indeed, these corpses were incredibly powerful. The life energy contained within them was over a thousand times greater than normal devil beasts.    

Moreover, their bodies also contained the laws of heaven and earth. As the corpses were absorbed, their law energy emanated to the surroundings, triggering a subtle transformation within the primal chaos space.    

At the same time, one nine star Heavenly Doyen Fruit after another appeared on the Heavenly Dao Tree. However, Long Chen estimated them to be just over two thousand, which was a far cry from the number of people they had just killed.    

After thinking about it, Long Chen realized that amongst the hundreds of thousands of nine star Doyens of the Heavenly Loather race, the majority had to be man-made nine star Doyens.    


, what a waste of my excitement. Long Chen had actually thought that he had profited immensely, only to only get so few nine star Heavenly Doyen Fruits.    

Perhaps because they were not natural, their deaths didnt prompt the Heavenly Dao Tree to produce quality Heavenly Doyen Fruits. Any fruits that did appear looked rotten and would quickly fall from the tree to be absorbed by the black soil.    

The mixed beast race had lost tens of thousands of people in this battle. However, they had shown their power. Through this baptism, their entire groups sharpness was shining.    

This battle also showed them the terrifying power of the Dragonblood Legion. Without their intervention, the mixed beast race couldnt fathom how many of them would have survived. Even if they won, their casualties would have been hideous.    

Moreover, many among them had pushed themselves to their limits during the battle, displaying signs of exhaustion. In stark contrast, the Dragonblood warriors appeared unfazed, not even out of breath. After cleaning up the battlefield, they returned as if nothing had happened.    

The suicidal bravery of the Dragonblood warriors had deeply shaken them. Originally, quite a few of the tribal leaders were willing to be Feng Yous subordinates due to her strength and their admiration for her. Hence, when Feng You showed how close she was with Long Chen, these tribal leaders were naturally unhappy, even feeling a bit of hostility toward the Dragonblood Legion. They did not think a squad of a few thousand people could be considered on the same level as them.    

Based on the mixed beast races ideology, power decided everything. Having only heard of Long Chens name, they did not directly submit to him. After all, rumors were always exaggerated.    

Furthermore, Long Chen only had a few thousand direct subordinates, as the rest of his entourage were people of the academy. Naturally, these tribal leaders started to scorn Long Chen, even thinking that Long Chen had only depended on his looks to attract Feng You.    

However, after this battle, they realized what true warriors were. Compared to the Dragonblood warriors, they were like fireflies trying to compete with the sun or the moon. Within the same realm, they were in completely different dimensions.    

Even though they had not seen Long Chen in action, not one of them dared to look down on him in the slightest. In fact, they felt absolute reverence for every Dragonblood warrior. The mixed beast races way of expressing their feelings was just that simple and direct.    

Lets continue onwards. People are waiting for us. Lets not make them wait too long.    

Long Chen smiled slightly and waved his hand. Once everyone got into the formation, they flew off again.

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