Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 4764 Killing Their Way Into the Sovereign Emperor Heaven

Chapter 4764 Killing Their Way Into the Sovereign Emperor Heaven

22Chapter 4764 Killing Their Way Into the Sovereign Emperor Heaven    

The moment Little Nine used this pupil art, the Six Dao petals in its eyes exploded, causing blood to gush out of its eyes.6    

Even the Dragonblood warriors were taken off guard at this moment. With one technique, Little Nine killed everyone from the Six Eye Ghost Owl race.3    

“Little Nine, why did you do that?! If we were working together, you wouldn’t be injured! Now, you’ll need to rest your eyes for a period,” Bai Xiaole lamented, feeling aggrieved. Only he understood the immense strain Little Nine had endured to unleash that technique. He had been prepared to join forces with Little Nine to vanquish their foes, but Little Nine had acted alone.4    

“It’s my duty to avenge this enmity personally,” declared Little Nine, looking ferocious with blood still pouring from its eyes. “Vile creatures… they’ve forgotten the spiritual contract they made with the Nine Tail race back then. As long as the Nine Tail race exists, the contract will not disappear. As long as I use my core eyes, they are nothing more than ants in front of me.”7    

Back then, the Six Eye Ghost Owl race had been one of the Nine Tail race’s subordinates. To demonstrate their loyalty, they had handed over a strand of their souls to forge an eternal contract of servitude.3    

As this contract continued to exist between their souls, the Six Eye Ghost Owl race would automatically be suppressed when they encountered the Nine Tail race.1    

However, this contract also had its limits, such as it would only take effect when the two races fought.0    

As a result, when the Six Eye Ghost Owl race betrayed the Nine Tail race, they didn’t dare to fight directly but rather acted as silent orchestrators, wielding the butcher's blade from the shadows.3    

They sold all information about the Nine Tail race and used their tracking art to track them. Anchored by the spiritual contract, they could pinpoint the Nine Tail race’s whereabouts with precision, leaving them with no sanctuary to seek refuge. No matter where they went, they would be found.3    

Hence, countless experts of the Nine Tail race had died because of the Six Eye Ghost Owl race. That was why Little Nine hated them so much.3    

Little Nine had endured this hatred for countless years. Even though it was enraged to see its foes, with its power not yet fully recovered, fighting them could spell disaster for itself and potentially endanger others.0    

However, while it could endure, Long Chen couldn’t. Although he hadn’t been with Little Nine for a long time, from the way it acted tough, Long Chen could see its pain and fury.1    

Little Nine was just like how Long Chen had been in the Phoenix Cry Empire when he was crippled and weak. The heavens granted him no respite, so the only thing he could do was endure. Long Chen knew just how painful it was to endure such a trial.0    

It was a pain that Long Chen didn’t want to experience again. As Little Nine was now a member of the Dragonblood Legion, he would not let it suffer like that.0    

“Thank you, boss.” Little Nine’s voice quivered.0    

“Are your eyes alright?” asked Long Chen.0    

Long Chen could understand why Little Nine had done this. Even though it was injured, it had finally vented its anger, and that made it worth it.0    

“I’m fine. To avoid the Six Eye Ghost Owl race’s spying, the Nine Tail race had to hide in the cracks between worlds, and we couldn’t form a bloodline resonance with each other. That’s why I used the contract. It might have been damaging, but it was really satisfying. Thank you,” replied Little Nine.1    

Although it knew that Long Chen didn’t like others being overly courteous with him, Little Nine had no other idea how to express its gratitude.0    

“It’s been hard on you, having to endure such a heavy burden from a young age,” sighed Bai Xiaole. It was his first time hearing just how much hatred Little Nine was carrying.0    

“You’re the same, no? You were also bullied for so long. You only managed to reach your level when boss came,” said Little Nine, shrinking and returning to Bai Xiaole’s shoulder.0    

“How was I bullied?” asked Bai Xiaole, baffled.1    

Little Nine smiled wickedly. “You were beaten up by your father so often. You couldn’t beat him in a fight, and you couldn’t beat him in terms of cursing either. You simply resigned yourself to that torture, crying—”0    

“Hey, you little fox, stop trying to ruin our father-son relationship!” exclaimed Bai Zhantang hastily.1    

“Now that you mention it…” Bai Xiaole rubbed his jaw. But then, looking at the silver sphere in his hand, he smiled. “Well, he gave me something so good! I forgive him, hehe.”4    

Clearly, Bai Xiaole was extremely fond of this Spirit Weapon. With his pupil arts, he could have it undergo endless transformations, so he had long since forgotten about his grudges.0    

“How mature of you…” Little Nine was speechless. This comrade of his really didn’t know how to hold grudges.16    

Just then, another powerful group passed by them. They were a group of greater demons that had taken human form. While Long Chen and the others couldn’t tell what race they were, their overwhelming Blood Qi made it so that no one dared to look down on them.0    

Originally, when the Dragonblood warriors surrounded the Six Eye Ghost Owls, a few surrounding groups paused to take a look. However, all of a sudden, a single fox annihilated all of the Six Eye Ghost Owls, horrifying the spectators. After that, they all quickened their pace and got out of the way.0    

However, this group of the demon race simply whistled past, not even caring about watching the Six Eye Ghost Owl race be destroyed.2    

Various groups flew by as if they hadn’t seen anything. After the Dragonblood Legion was done cleaning up the battlefield, they quickly got back into formation and continued their journey.0    

Amidst the onslaught of countless devil creatures, the ground became drenched in blood. Yet, this was merely the prelude to the Sovereign Emperor Heaven, where the opening act would unfold in a bloody massacre. Such battles were inevitable in this realm.0    

Before long, a glimmer of light appeared in the distance. As they pressed forward, the light intensified, akin to the dawn breaking through endless darkness. They felt an overwhelming pull emanating from that direction, drawing them closer with each step.0    

“It’s the Sovereign Emperor Heaven!” Guo Ran and the others cried out excitedly. Countless groups were also shouting excitedly upon seeing the new dawn.0    

These shouts were filled with passion, containing limitless hopes. After, this was a door to countless dreams.1    

“Wait, why are there people blocking it?” Guo Ran suddenly paused, his gaze fixed on the countless figures gathered in front of the gate, seemingly inspecting something.6    

As for Long Chen, he smiled. “Brothers, today we'll have to kill our way into the Sovereign Emperor Heaven.”

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